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Here is a simple example (PowerShell) of how to use the OLE Automation interface of SpaceObServer to generate an Excel export of a scanned share:

# Declare variables

# Initialize variables
$SOS = New-Object -com SpaceObServer.Application;

$SOS.ROOTDirectory = "\\Server1\Share1\";

#Use the scanned share "\\Server1\Share1\" as root directory

$SOS.SizeUnit = "MB";

#Set the unit type for size values to "MB"


#Expand the root directory to the second level

$SOS.SortBy = "Allocated";

#Sort the exports by "allocated space"


#Export tree, details and charts to Excel

$SOS.ExcelExport("C:\Temp\SOS\ExcelExport.xlsx", "SpaceObServer %DATE%", $True, $True, $False, $False, "scantree; detailslist; piechart; historychart");


Here is the same example in VBScript:

' Declare variables

' Initialize variables
Set SOS = CreateObject("SpaceObServer.Application")

SOS.ROOTDirectory = "\\Server1\Share1\"

'Use the scanned share "\\Server1\Share1\" as root directory

SOS.SizeUnit = "MB"

'Set the unit type for size values to "MB"

SOS.ExpandToLevel 2

'Expand the root directory to the second level

SOS.SortBy = "Allocated"

'Sort the exports by "allocated space"


'Export tree, details and charts to Excel

SOS.ExcelExport "C:\Temp\SOS\ExcelExport.xlsx", "SpaceObServer %DATE%", True, true, False, False, "scantree; detailslist; piechart; historychart"

Sample Scripts

Please find several code examples in PowerShell, VBScript and C# in the subdirectory "Demos" of your SpaceObServer installation directory.

Adding multiple scans via script

Multiple scans be added easily by using the script "ConfigureScansViaTextFile.vbs" in the subdirectory "Demos" of your SpaceObServer installation directory. You can add, delete or modify
scans via a separate text file (ConfigureScansViaTextFile.txt in this example):


will add the scans C:\ and C:\temp and delete an existing scan D:\. Additionally, users who should have access to the C:\ scan are explicitely set (See also: User Access).