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Database Sensor: SQL Server Native Client 10 Provider Problem

Frage / Problem

I am using the SQL Server Native Client 10 or 10.1 provider and configure it using the dialog. When I enter a user name and password, the password is not saved thought the option 'Allow saving password' is set. How can I save the password?

Antwort / Lösung

This is a bug in the provider. To avoid it, you have several options:

  1. Go in the dialog to the 'All' tab and set the option 'Persist Security Info' to true. Afterwards the password should be saved.
  2. Extend the connection string manually with the parameter 'Password=********;'.
  3. Use instead of user name/password the integrated Windows security.
  4. Use the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server instead which does not have this problem.